Car Backseat Automatic Table

Before reading about automatic tray table refer to previous posts about how to install manual car backseat tray table  .
to install automatic operating system first install a rod across strips like in image
rod for rotation
Next step is selection of motor here we are using dc motor with gears to reduce speed and increase torque of motor . For installation of motor make a square like hole in the base of car tray table such that half motor fits inside that space or such that motor do not touch the top of table when fully closed.

Now attach motor to the base by drilling holes in the slot and then rotate a metal or plastic strip around motor and insert pins between metal strips and base so that motor can rotate .

Then attach a rod with threads to the shaft of motor .

Its time to insert  connect motor and system. to do so take a metal square of size just to fit two rods inside at each side drill two holes like one at left to right at the top edge of side and the other from front to back at the lower edge . make threads in one hole so rod attach to motor can rotate inside 

All parts will be connected as given in image .
final form of car tray table
Now attach two click switches to the base of car tray table to read position of table top.
As shown
switches are installed in upper right corner
Final form of car tray table will look like this
design of car backseat lunch table
final results
This will be final form of car table tray system ,
Next post is about schematic .


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